10 Unique Ways to Break Into the Corporate Speaking Market

Breaking into the corporate speaking market can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavour, offering numerous opportunities to share your expertise and make an impact. With the right strategies, you can differentiate yourself and find success in this competitive field. In this article, we’ll explore 10 unique ways to enter the corporate speaking market, from leveraging LinkedIn and offering free webinars to collaborating with industry associations and developing a unique speaking niche.

Leverage LinkedIn

Use LinkedIn to build a strong professional presence, connect with decision-makers, and share your expertise through articles, videos, and posts. Engage with your network, participate in relevant groups, and showcase your speaking skills to gain visibility in the corporate world.

Offer Free Webinars

Host free webinars on relevant topics for your target audience. This can showcase your speaking abilities, generate interest, and provide valuable content to establish credibility. Offer a limited number of free or discounted speaking engagements to encourage bookings.

Partner with Industry Associations

Collaborate with industry associations and offer to speak at their conferences, workshops, or networking events. This can help you gain exposure, build connections, and establish yourself as a thought leader within your niche.

Create a Compelling Speaker Webpage

This may seem obvious, yet it’s also often overlooked. Ensure you have a page on your website showcasing your speaking expertise, topics, testimonials, and videos of previous speaking engagements. A well-designed webpage can effectively market your services and provide potential clients with all the information they need to book you as a speaker.

Develop a Unique Speaking Niche

Identify a specific area of expertise or a unique angle that sets you apart from other speakers. By positioning yourself as a specialist in a particular field, you can differentiate yourself and attract more speaking opportunities.

Network at Business Events

Attend business events, conferences, and networking functions to build relationships with potential clients and other speakers. Engage in conversations, exchange business cards, and follow up on connections to explore potential speaking opportunities.

Create a Speaker One-Pager

Develop a concise, visually appealing one-page document that highlights your speaking topics, credentials, and testimonials. Send this to event organisers, conference planners, and potential clients to showcase your skills and generate interest in your services.

Seek Sponsorships

Partner with relevant brands or organizations to sponsor your speaking engagements. This can not only help cover your costs but also add credibility and visibility to your presentations.

Offer Tailored Workshops

Design custom workshops or training sessions that cater to the specific needs of your target audience. Offering tailored solutions can make your services more appealing to potential clients and demonstrate your adaptability as a speaker.

Collaborate with Other Speakers

Connect with fellow speakers and form alliances to share leads, collaborate on joint presentations, or co-author publications. By pooling your resources and expertise, you can expand your reach and increase your chances of breaking into the corporate speaking market.

Entering the corporate speaking market may seem daunting, but by employing these 10 unique strategies, you can create a strong presence, gain visibility, and establish yourself as a sought-after speaker. By leveraging LinkedIn, offering valuable content through webinars, partnering with industry associations, and focusing on a unique speaking niche, you can pave your way to success in the corporate speaking world. Remember to continually network, collaborate with other speakers, and adapt your offerings to the needs of your target audience. With dedication and persistence, you can make your mark in the competitive corporate speaking market.

Want to enter the corporate speaking world? We can help you.